Hairpin Ghost

What you need:

  • Plastic lid, or something similar
  • Hairpins
  • Scraps of black, or dark colored paper
  • Thread
  • White glue
  • Scissors

Widen the hairpin to create the outline of the ghost.  Tie the thread around the top of the hairpin.

Set the hairpin on the plastic lid and fill the area inside the hairpin with white glue.

Cut a tiny set of eyes and a mouth out of the colored paper and place them on the glue near the top to create a face for the ghost.

Place the lid on a flat surface and allow to dry, we left it overnight.  When the glue is completely dry, peel the ghost off the lid.  Trim off any access glue off the bottom or sides of the ghost.

Create a necklace or hang the ghost in a window or anywhere you want to add a little spooky.

About ActivitiesWithKids

I'm just a mom who wants to share fun times and fond memories with my little men before time wisks them away into the men they are to become. I hope you find some activities and ideas here that you can share with your precious ones too.
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